A perfect recluse from the society,
It looks down on us day and night.
It is not a part of us,
but resides somewhere in our mind.
As readily as we look at it,
the more readily it smile back,
the vault of the heaven giving us answers,
does have a frown to let us down sometime.
The scene of a rising moon and a setting sun
are not just miracles on the same earth
it’s the heart of the welkin to give a place
to reside in this big world.
The ones who have no shelter to hide
come under the welkin or stand by,
looking at it we feel the love of a parent,
which often flows right down our eyes.
It’s not just the birds that take its medium to
go back to their puny kids,
It’s also us that take a deep breath in its surrounding
to a start afresh!
It may be away from the earth and away from the grave
But when we want a person by our side,
it’s the welkin we look up to.
The sea may be a unfathomable, but the welkin that
hides our sorrows and and gives us a smile no doubt
is as deep as our height.
People went in search of the deepest point on earth but could not find the highest,
Not because it exists not but because,
It was never the welkin that had limits but we who comport ourselves
To have none!